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Graphic Novel Review: Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat

Throughout history animals have fought alongside military personal and have provided selfless acts to protect soldiers in war. It wasn’t until 2004, when the Animals in War Memorial in Hyde Park, London was unveiled that these animals were issued a public acknowledgement for their service. Ben Towle’s, Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat, continues what this…

Graphic Novel Review: Churchill A Graphic Biography

Winston Churchill is a figure well-known to people all over the world. He has been hailed as the man who saved the West, led Britain to victory in WWII, and there have been over 1000 (actually 1010) biographies written about him. Yet none of these biographies have illustratedthe life of Winston Churchill, rather they have…

Graphic Novel Review: Robyn Hood Outlaw

  Robyn Locksley has never had it easy. As she was born in the realm of Myst, but was raised on earth where she was subject to death, humiliation, and sexual assault. While, in the middle of coping with these issues she was called back to her birth land of Myst where she became a…