What you need to know for Jessica Jones



Comic book movies and television shows are widely popular and appeal to many different demographics. These Superheroes stories have dominated television and the big screen and are beginning to conquer the streaming world. Initially, Netflix began this charge with the show Dare Devil , which was received well. They are continuing with a new show, Jessica Jones , is set to debut on November 20th. Jessica Jones is a character created by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos that has redefined what a superhero is and the choices they make.

Jessica Jones is an interesting character in the Marvel Universe. Her first appearance was in Alias #1 in 2001 where she is the owner and only employee of Alias Private Eye detective agency. Before Jones took the profession of being a Private Eye she was in a car crash that killed her entire family and exposed her to radio active chemicals. As a result of the exposer she was in a coma for several months to awaken with super strength, limited invulnerability and flight. Jessica was eventually exposed to Peter Parker who inspired her to use her powers to fight crime, which put her on the path to becoming a hero.

Jones, at the start of her Superhero career, was destined to become a private eye due to the super villain Killgrave. In interacting with Killgrave she fell under his mind control for 8 months during which she attempted to kill Dare Devil. During her attempt to kill Dare Devil, Scarlet Witch, along with fellow Avengers, saved her and she received psychotherapy under the care of Jean Gray. The events for Jones demoralized her as nobody cared or knew that she had gone through for over 8 months. As a result, she gave up the life of a superhero as she did not have the fortitude or will that other heroes had when facing adversity.

After giving up the Superhero lifestyle she became the owner and only employee of Alias Private Investigations. As a private eye she constantly is involved with clients who have superhero connections, thus linking her to the Marvel Universe. Furthermore, Jessica became involved in a romantic relationship with the second Ant-man, Scott Lang, while having an on and off relationship and affair with Luke Cage. Eventually, both Jessica and Luke admitted that they have feelings for one another, which resulted in the two of them having a child together and starting a serious relationship. At the same time this relationship begins, Killergrave escapes prison and is going after Jessica to force her to become under his control once again. Eventually, Killergrave is defeated but only shows that once a Superhero becomes a Superhero they can never return to a normal life.

Understanding Jessica Jones backstory, which can be purchased here, and her transition from hero to private eye establishes information that is essential to the Netflix show that is coming out on November 20. The show focuses on Jessica Jones’ work as a private eye rather than her work as a hero, but her hero past is important as people from her previous life play a key role. Furthermore, Netflix has announced that a Luke Cage show is in production, which is important because Luke Cage and Jessica Jones are involved romantically and provides a basis for what is expected to happen in there respected shows and the Marvel Universe as we head into the Civil War movie and beyond. Netflix’s Marvel works expand and redefine the Marvel Universe as characters who are not the primary characters become the focus of the story.

You can purchase Jessica Jones : Alias here.

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