A quick glance at Reboot



As of lately, many older shows that have been off the air for years are being revived in some fashion. One of these shows is the first fully CG animation show Reboot. Reboot initially ran from 1994 to 2001 spanning 4 seasons. 14 years later the series has been revived as Corus Entertainment has ordered 26 episodes for a first season of the sequel to Reboot, Reboot: The Guardians Code, which will include original and new characters while continuing the story. Reboot can be purchased here.

Reboot is an old animated show, which initially started in 1994. The show focuses on the idea of fighting a virus in a computer’s mainframe. The show’s plot was originally set up as a self-contained episode where the character Bob would play a game in a sector of the mainframe against the owner of the computer. If Bob failed to win the game the sector would become nullified which would drain energy away from the main sector and everything in that sector would be lost. In season 2 of the show this changed, as a new threat was introduced call the Web. The show followed the same game type format with the sectors but the change was that new enemies were coming in from a web portal such as Mainframe who manipulated the show’s main two villains, Megabyte and Hexadecima. Eventually, as Season 2 comes to an end the web threat is neutralized while Megabyte breaks the newly formed alliance to attempt to destroy Mainframe, which causes Bob to be trapped in the web.

The third season of Reboot is different from the previous 2 due to the animation quality improving and its plot. At this point the show’s target audiences changed which allowed for the plot to become darker and more complicated. During the third season Enzo is protecting Mainframe, due to Bob being trapped in the web, and gets caught in a game he cannot win along with allies AndrAIa, and Frisket. As a result they force the game out of Mainframe, causing them to age due to the game’s acceleration. Enzo , known as Matrix, is trying to return to Mainframe as he is jumping from system to system he finds Bob and returns to a nearly destroyed Mainframe. Matrix defeats Megabyte who than causes the system to crash, which allows for older and younger Enzo to exist at the same time due to the game user resetting the system. The ending to season 3 set up for the 8 episodes in season 4. Season 4 provided a history of how Bob came into Mainframe, the history of Mainframe and how Megabyte and Hexadecima were formed. Season 4 also established that nulls, which are the entities that occupy nullified sectors, still possess their old intelligence and can be transferred to other items. This gives the idea that the nullified sectors, due to game lost, can be saved. The season ended with Megabyte in control and the heroes being hunted down.

Reboot, ending in 2001 on a cliffhanger, which the creator refused to allow anybody to see. As a result, many fans of the show have had to accept this ending. Yet, with the recently ordered sequel to Reboot the ending can be revealed and how the heroes dealt with the Megabyte situation. Furthermore, from initial trailers of the show it is a new story that utilizes some of the original characters and introduces new characters, expanding the Reboot universe. With the expansion of the Reboot universe it is important to understand the rules, characters, and history of Mainframe before the show comes out.

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