Anime in Focus: My Hero Academia Two Heroes

After three seasons, My Hero Academia has become of one of the most popular animes. As it follows Izuku Midoriya (Deku) and his classmates while they learn how to develop and understand the responsibilities they have as heroes. Given the success, a movie, My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, was released in Japan on August 3, 2018 and in America on September 25, 2018.


My Hero Academia: Two Heroes takes place between the ending of Season 2 and the start of Season 3 as All Might asks Deku to join him to meet his friend, Scientist David Shield, on I-Island. I-Island is a constantly moving island that harbors the world’s greatest scientists who perform research on Quirks (superpowers) that people have developed. Once on the island All Might with David reflect on the past during their time as students in America, during this time David realizes that his friend is more tired from the injury he has sustained. In response, David runs tests and learns that the All for One Quirk that All Might has significantly dropped since his injury. As these tests are being performed Deku along with David’s daughter Melissa run into several of his classmates who were invited to I-Island. After catching up with his classmates they all agree to attend a party that several Pro-Heroes will be at. Prior to going Melissa decides to show Deku her latest invention, a gauntlet that allows him to use his quirk at 100% power. Meanwhile, the villain Wolfram has secretly arrived on I-Island and has taken over the security system, resulting in several pro-heroes restrained at the party with Deku and his classmates blocked from attending. Rather than wait for help Deku and his classmates decide, after seeing several pro-heroes and All Might be constrained, to act on their own and reinstate the security system. With this plan in action they begin to climb the top of a 200-floor tower where the security system is located. Along the way several of Deku’s classmates allow him to go forward with Melissa as they hold off the villains to disable the security system.  Upon reaching the top she learns the true nature of the Villains attack and her father’s involvement in it, which was to steal back his invention that maximizes the power of a person’s Quirk. Despite David’s intention, which was to use it to allow All Mighty to remain a hero, it is stolen from him by Wolfram. This results in Deku, and All Might teaming up to use their power to confront  Wolfram who is using the device to maximize his Quirk. With their combined power, along with the support of all of class 1-A, the duo defeat Wolfram and restore I-Island to the peace it had before they arrived.


The movie provides insight into All Might when he was young, as he met David Shield when he was a transfer student in America where they fought crime side by side while risking being late to class. In this time, we see a very different version of All Might as he is not well known, has a different suit, and is starting to become the symbol of peace. Heroes are beginning to recognize who he is.  The movie also hints that All Might’s powers are coming to an end. In particular, this is shown when David Shield reveals how rapid his power has dropped since his injury. This is only further highlighted by the fact that he is struggling when captured to maintain his true form as not to show that his days as a hero are numbered. Furthermore, the movie also hints that All Might is having a hard time accepting the fact that his days as a hero are limited as he is not telling anyone that he has transferred his powers to Deku. He states this is to protect other people from being in danger, but he wants it to appear to David that he is maintaining a status quo they had as partners back in the day as students. David senses this and masterminds the villains attack on I-Island as a means to steal back his invention so that he can use it on All Might. This is for two reasons: the first is if All Might retires the crime rate in the world would go up, and the second is that he knows his friend is having a hard time accepting that his days are numbered. It is not until David and All Might witness Deku, Melissa, and the rest of Class 1-A in action that they realize the future of heroes and scientists are in good hands, even when All Might retires.

You can pick up  My Hero Academia Season One here.

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