Anime in Focus: Schwarzesmarken

Due to the wide success of the Muv-Luv games, visual novels, mangas, and animes, studio ixtl and Liden Films decided to create a prequel capturing some of the early battles that took place after the events of Muv-Luv Unlimited. Muv-Luv Unlimited explains the first sighting of the BETA on Mars in 1958, on the Moon in 1967, and arriving in China and Canada in 1973. Upon their arrival, several battles took place with the BETA resulting in most of Europe and Asia being destroyed by 2001. Ten years after the BETA’s first arrival in 1983 set in East Germany Schwarzesmarken captures several battles that bring humanity closer to its lowest point in their fight against the BETA.

The Background:

Following WWII Germany was divided into the East and West with each country treating the other as its enemy. With Germany divided the Cold War was officially kicked off between West Germany and the Allies and East Germany and the Soviet Union. In 1973 the BETA landed on Earth with the purpose of ending humanity, which has forced humanity to work together despite the West and East’s differences in politics. Ten years later, in 1983, East Germany has become the front line to stop the BETA who has been slowly conquering Asia and parts of Europe. Stationed on the front lines is the special unit the 666th TSF Squadron led by Captain Irisdina Bernhard who is tasked with taking out laser and heavy laser BETA’s, which prevent bombers and artillery from eliminating the remaining BETAs at all costs.  On a particular mission Captain Irisdina Bernhard orders Second Lieutenant Theodor Eberbachto save a fellow TSF pilot as they are returning to their base. This pilot is revealed to be Second Lieutenant Katia Waldheim from West Germany who is seeking asylum in East Germany. Upon saving her Theodor has a flash back, due to Katia’s appearance, of his sister when he tried to deflect with her to West Germany. On returning Captain Bernhard, along with Party Commissar Gretel Jackelyn, grant Katia asylum and allow her to join the 666th TSF Squadron. This decision gets the attention of the Stasi, a group whose goal is to find and kill traitors. They question Irisdina’s loyalty to East Germany and want to question Katia and why she has defected to the East. As this is occurring Theodor learns that Katia is the daughter of General Strachwitz the hero of Germany whose records and accomplishments have all been blacked out.  With this information Theodor promises Katia that he will do whatever is necessary in order to make her goal come true and unite the two Germanys into one country. This promise is only strengthened as the 666th TSF Squadron is invited to join a UN/US/West Germany mission to stop the BETA’s from advancing. It becomes clear that both the West and East Germany are needed to stop the BETA as without either one the mission would have failed.  Meanwhile, as this mission is occurring the Stasi begins to make several moves to gain control of the government including introducing Lise, Theodor’s sister, into his unit. In the unit Lise will act as a spy to monitor and report about their activity and loyalty to East Germany and the threat level they will be to a new regime. Upon their return from the UN joint mission the 666th TSF Squadron, which is suspected by the Stasi of being non-loyal, is introduced to Lise as their newest member. Due to her prior experience Irisdina orders the entire unit to watch her and find out what she is up to. It is revealed that Lise is a spy for the Stasi, which causes a chain reaction to occur prompting several different parties to scramble for power including the Berlin Stasi faction, the Moscow Stasi faction, and the Western Theater Military for control over Eastern Germany and how it will deal with the threat of the BETAs.


Prior to this series several Muv-Luv stories have been told, all of which have focused on the BETA being the sole enemy. Schwarzesmarken takes a different approach. The BETA are a secondary threat to the Stasi and the regular army conflicting over power for control of East Germany and the military. This sets up an interesting dynamic as the Stasi is in charge of documenting, finding, and recording information that is then usable to imprison or execute traitors and keep people loyal to the government. On the other hand, the TSF squadrons and artillery units have the fire power to act as the last line of defense and eliminate the BETA. As a result, the two powers check one another as they are both needed to protect and allow the country to survive. Yet, these powers also force them to compete against one another as each faction wants more power so they can control the country. The dynamic forces the Stasi and the TSF Squadrons and artillery units to play politics and attempt to out maneuver the other group. In the anime, we not only see the effects it has on the soldiers who are used as pawns on both sides, but we also are exposed to how it takes away resources and attention from the real enemy, the BETAs.  Schwarzesmarken through and through captures the damage internal political strife can cause and what effects it can have upon the military, individuals, and the nation’s citizens.

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