CM Punk is Writing for Marvel

The God of Thunder in the Marvel Universe has been a constant since his inception in 1962. Every character in the Marvel Universe evolves from the time of their initial launch period, experiences and character development Thor is no exception. Thor has gone through many changes from his introduction, to defending Asgard and eventually joining the Avengers. In 2014 Thor has under gone another major character change. It started with Thor losing his powers and not being able to pick up his hammer. As a result, he lost his arm and a female has picked up Mjolnir and has become the new Thor. Another major change occurred on November 11, 2014, and the writer for the Thor annual is CM Punk, the voice of the voiceless. Before the Thor Annual comes out you can check up on Thor here.

CM Punk is good for Marvel and is good for Thor. CM Punk is an instant branding tool and is able to create a buzz that can generate business. He is a former WWE Champion and before his retirement was one of the most popular superstars in wrestling. He still has that star power and is still regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the world. Furthermore, his name is still chanted at WWE events as the fans still love CM Punk. The fan power of his name and the fact that he is now writing for Marvel will generate money for the company.

CM Punk writing for Marvel is not all about the dollars, there more to it then that. He is a very creative guy, developing his character and his promos in WWE without any assistance. He understands how to convey characters in comics and other medias. For CM Punk to write a Thor comic is the correct method of introducing him to Marvel. Thor is a well-defined character that can be easily researched. This makes creating a script for this character easy for a first time writer. CM Punk and Rob Guillory, both new to Marvel, further allows for a fresh take on the character. This is the first comic that they will be working on and it will not have the “Marvel restrictions” placed on the comic style, which is what fans have been gravitating toward. CM Punk will be great for Thor as he brings his branded name to the company and he brings a flashier storytelling style then what Marvel is accustomed to.

CM Punk has also made it clear that his first comic, Thor #1 annual, is only the start. He intends to write other comics for the company ranging from A to Z of the Marvel Universe. Mr. Punk has also made it clear that he has a punisher story all planned out and is patiently waiting (as Paul Heyman has taught him) for the company to give him the go ahead. It seems that CM Punk is here to stay in Marvel and will continue to write for Marvel, as long a sit is mutually appealing. CM Punk’s first Comic will becoming out in February and depending on how well it is received we many see the inner working of a former WWE Champion in the comic realm.

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