The 2016 winter season of anime has many different shows spanning across a variety of genres. One of these shows is the second cour of the popular show Gate. The series started out as a light novel in 2006 and later was adapted into a manga beginning in July of 2011. After the success of the manga, A-1 Pictures began to produce the anime in July of 2015. Gate, the anime, has gained popularity and is one of the top anime to premier in the winter season as the series fuses the aspects of fantasy and military into one anime. Great military manga and anime can be bought here.
Gate focuses on a JSDF reserved soldier Itami. Itami happened to be at a manga convention when a mysterious gate opened up in Japan that leads to another world. This world had sent creatures to attack Japan but the attack was stopped due to Itami’s knowledge and quick thinking in organizing police responses. His action had earned him a promotion in the JSDF to a First Lieutenant giving him the responsibility of fostering peace between the Japanese Government and the people of this alternative world. While leading the JSDF exploration Itami gained allies with an elf girl, Tuka Luna Marceau, a sorcerer named Lelei La Lelena, a demi goddess Rory Mercury, and the princess warrior knight Piña Co Lada. These four women provide a variety of skills that allow Itami to pursue his mission of reaching and maintaining peace in this alternative world.
The second cour of Gate continues the mission that Itami had set out on. In using his allies, in particular Piña Co Lada , he convinces Senators and the Emperor to sue for peace. This is due to Japan’s military power being able to decimate any weapons the empire has. As a result the JSDF obtains and begins to maintain peace and improve upon the civilians lives. One of these actions is establishing a healthcare clinic system for all civilians to get treatments for a variety of diseases and conditions. As this healthcare system is being implemented a new threat appears that threatens the peace that Itami and the JSDF have obtained. As a result Itami, Rory and Tuka set off to neutralize the threat of the Fire Dragon, which will destroy this alternative world. While facing this threat the three of them face personal and leadership struggles that call into question their motives for helping to obtain peace in this world. While this is all occurring there is a minority group that is attempting to undermine and destroy the peace that the empire has been subjected to.
The analysis:
The second cour of Gate pulls no punches as it dives right into the story. The story primarily focuses on the cost of maintaining peace as Itami goes to many lengths to achieve that. Itami is shows the Senators Japan’s weapons and how powerful they can be to act as encouragement to sign a peace agreement. This style of tactics is a combination of force and reality, but shows that Itami views peace as the only path that will work in this world. Furthermore, once the peace treaty has been signed Itami begins to have the JSDF open a health care clinic system, which treats diseases and conditions. The effect that peace has on their lives it is more likely to be accepted and embraced. While social change is being implemented a new threat appears in the form of a Fire Dragon, which wants to destroy this world. This threat gives Itami the opportunity to show that the JSDF is not just talk but can maintain and protect the people. In protecting the people and neutralizing the Fire Dragon it reaffirms to the Senators and Emperor that the JSDF does have the military power to enforce change. The JSDF tactics in maintaining peace do have hidden intentions but on the surface benefit the citizens of the alternative world as their lives are improving due to these actions.