Interview with Skunk Cosplay

How did you first get into cosplaying?

It’s a long time ago. In 2003 I’ve visited the Connichi the very first time. I was 13 and I saw some costumes and was like: OMG ! I wanna make costumes too! *^* My first cosplay I did (all by myself) had its debut in 2004.

Who was the first character you cosplayed? Did you make this costume or did you purchase it?

It was Kenshin Himura in 2004 and I did it by myself!

The cosplay world is very popular now. How do you decide who you are going to cosplay as? Do you have a style that you stick to?

I am not going after trends. I’m playing games, watching movies, reading mangas and if I find a character I like and think it will fit, I do it!

When did you first learn how to make your costumes? What were the challenges that you faced when you began making costumes?

I’ve learned it by myself. I’ve taken fabric and my sewing machine and started to sew. It was all about practicing, trying new stuff and having no fear of trying something new.

What are the challenges you experience when creating a new costume?

I am doing more game cosplay, so the difference is the impossibility of the clothing. Game designer have no idea about anatomy or gravity or how are the features of fabrics are. So you have sometimes no darts or leather is stretchy… It’s difficult to make this real. πŸ˜€

When creating a costume, people have different methods of designing. How do you start to design your costumes?

I am not a designer, I am doing cosplay and trying to make an exactly replica (TRYING!!! xD) of the original. But when I am starting to make patterns and buying things, I do a little drawing with all the details, so I cannot forget them.


In designing and making costumes economics can be a factor. How does that affect your design process?

It takes longer, because I try to use high quality fabric and this costs money πŸ˜€

You have worn and designed many different costumes. Do you ever recycle and reuse costumes or parts of costumes?

Yeah, some parts I can reuse. For example gloves of my Lilith costume ( I am using them as Sniper Wolf too)

You have cosplayed as many characters from both the anime and comic world. What are the differences between the two genres when cosplaying? Do you find that one of these genres fit your style better than the other?

I am cosplaying more from the videogame world, because the costumes and characters are looking more realistic and it’s for me more difficult to find a perfect fabric (and you see in a game which kind of fabric you need). The differences for me between anime and comic cosplay… Difficult to say: In comics you have two sides: the heroes and the villains. The heroines in comics are very sexy and strong, the villains are very sexy and insane πŸ˜€ In Anime it is a little bit different. The characters haven’t to be sexy or strong, they have mistakes. They are lazy and more sides in my opinion! I prefer videogames πŸ˜‰

What is the favorite cosplay costume you have done and why?

I have no favourite cosplay, because they are so different, but when I have to say one I would choose Lilith from Borderlands. I like the style with the outlines and it is so colorful and I can wear an extreme makeup.

How would you describe your cosplay style?

I would describe my cosplay style as β€žthe badass bitchesβ€œ I like to cosplay strong, independent women with a little bit madness.

If you could cosplay any character in the anime or comic world, who would it be?

Like I said, I am more in the games world. Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop was big dream since I was 16, now I did the costume!

In the comic world I would say Death from Deadpool πŸ™‚

Cosplay has many different parts to it such as designing and making the costumes, to acting the part of the character. How do you get inside the character to act them out? son ivyDo you utilizes any techniques to convey the character?

This is sometimes really easy , sometimes not. The first thing, which helps me acting the character is knowing the character! I do characters because I like them or I can identify me with them a little bit.

Then I try to make a perfect makeup, contouring, wearing contacts, using eyelashes etc.

Looking different make it easier for me to act like a character!

You have won a few different awards. What was the first award that you won in the cosplay field?

It was 2005 at Bonenkai in Germany. I won the fifth place with my Final Fantasy X-2 group

You were also part of a group that won an award. How do you find cosplaying as a group is different than cosplaying as an individual?

You can act with another group member and it is more entertaining I guess, for the audience and for the group. And if you win, it is a better feeling! I prefer a group πŸ˜‰

Just recently you appeared in MyM. How did you get the opportunity to appear in that magazine?

The photographer Lucas Ambrosio asked me, if it would be okay when they are using his photo of my Poison ivy cosplay and I said: Wow, no it’s okay πŸ˜€

How did you choose to cosplay as Poison Ivy for the magazine?

I did not choose it πŸ˜€ It was Lucas! He did an awesome photo of it πŸ˜€

It is a great photo of you. How did you decide upon that pose for the picture?

Thank you! It was improvised! Poison Ivy is a strong an attractive character! I thought it was fitting to sit like that on the leafs, because she is a femme fatale! πŸ˜€


As a cosplayer, how important is photo shop techniques in Β capturing the perfect image?

Photoshop techniques are not important like a good photographer, because it is the photo on the camera already good, also like the cosplay, makeup and posing, you do not need so many Photoshop techniques to make a good picture!

You are from Dusseldorf, Do you feel cosplaying varies in different countries and what is acceptable to portray in society?

Yes, I feel. USA loves cosplaygirls with a perfect body and a perfect face in comic costumes for example. In Germany you see a lot of armor costumes and faun! Every country has different varies. Unfortunately cosplay has in some regions a bad reputation. Some people think because of sexy cosplay girls, we have all a fetish and that is not true. We are creative and doing sometimes really great stuff with our own hands! That’s incredible and I think this has to be portrayed in society

Finally, what advice do you have for people who want to cosplay and design their own costumes?Β 

Do what you like! You have to feel comfortable and try it by your own! I promise, you get better ! It’s all about practicing!

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