Legend of Korra the gain of maturity in book 1

In Exploring the Avatar universe many things have changed from the beginning of Aang’s journey. We are now following the journey to Korra’s reign as Avatar. The world itself has changed from a state of war to a Republic. The nations have also changed and many new airbenders have started to come into existence after the events of Harmonic convergence. The biggest change that has taken place is that of Korra herself. Korra has changed throughout the Books and has assumed more responsibilities.

In Book 1 Korra is isolated for safety reasons in the Southern Water Tribe. She is receiving and has mastered the elements of water, fire and earth and is awaiting her master for the final element of air. Her master cannot train her at this time and has to return Republic City where he resides. Korra decides to go to Republic City to learn airbending from the only airbender master Tenzin. Korra has never left the Southern Water Tribe and going to Republic City exemplifies her ignorance of the world. Coming into Republic City Korra starts to enter adulthood. For the first time she starts making friends and gains a boyfriend all while trying to master airbending. In Republic City Korra is faced with her first real threat from of a group call the Equalists. Their leader is a powerful secret water bender who has the ability to take away a bender’s abilities. The threat of the Equalists leads to Korra making some poor judgment choices due to her lack of experience. One poor judgment Korra made was facing Amon the leader of the Equalists. The confrontation between Amon and Korra was brought on due to the fact that her airbending master Tenzin and his family are the last airbenders were caught by Amon. Korra’s lack of experience as a bender caused her defeat by Amon and he took her abilities. Luckily for the world Amon only took three elements that the Avatar can bend as Korra easily mastered airbending. The mastering of airbending gave Korra the necessary power to defeat Amon. The lack of judgment by Korra to engage Amon put the balance of the world at risk. The acquirement of airbending was a lucky break for Korra and changed her judgment as she survived the threat of the Equalists. Korra’s decision had major consequences, as she could not bend for several months until she could connect with Avatar Aang who taught her how to energy bend, restoring her ability to bend. The consequences, like regular consequences in society, shaped her judgment and instilled a change in the young Avatar as she mastered the physical side of bending. Book 1 examines an isolated Avatar with poor judgment and inexperience.  Leaving the Southern Water Tribe enables Korra to gain maturity through her mistakes and choices.

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