Graphic Novel Review: Legend of Korra Turf Wars

In 2014 The Legend of Korra ended leaving many fans with a series of questions regarding Korra, Asami, the fate of Republic City, and what impact the Avatar will have on the aftermath of Kuvira’s attack.  On July 26, 2017 Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, Irene Koh, Nate Oiekos, and Vivian Ng all joined together to create the first part of the first Legend of Korra graphic novel Turf Wars. On January 17 and August 22 of 2018 the second and third parts were released by Dark Horse Comics. In all three parts, we begin to receive answers as to Korra and Asami’s relationship, the growing problems in Republic City, and what new responsibilities Korra will the Avatar in an ever-changing world.


Book Four of the Legend of Korra takes place 3 years after Korra’s fight with Zaheer, which has left her with psychological injuries. Zaheer’s actions have caused unrest in the Earth Kingdom causing a variety of concerns for its citizens. For Kuvira this unrest provided a perfect opportunity for her to seek power through the use of military force, as she promises to end the unrest in the Earth Kingdom. Kuvira ultimately succeeds in uniting the Earth Kingdom under her control and wants to reclaim the land Republic City stands on as it was once part of the Earth Kingdom. She is willing to do that by any means necessary including activating a weapon that causes a massive amount of spirit energy to be released. In order to prevent this energy from destroying all of Republic City and to defeat Kuvira Kora enters the Avatar State and channels that energy into creating a third portal into the spirit World. Upon the creation of the portal Kuvira concedes defeat and is arrested. A few weeks later Korra has an intimate conversation with Asami consoling her over the loss of her father and the two plan a trip together in the spirit world. The series ends with Korra and Asami walking hand-in hand into the spirit portal as they look affectionately at one another.


Turf Wars picks up right where Book Four ended as Korra and Asami, now a couple, are enjoying the spirit world. This is interrupted as a giant rock spirit is unhappy with Korra for creating a new spirit portal as it feels that humans will interfere with the spirit world. Due to this Korra and Asami end their vacation in the spirit world and decide to travel to the Southern Water Tribe with the intention of coming out to Korra’s parents. While Korra’s parents are accepting of this relationship, her father does warn her of that not everyone might be as accepting. This upsets Korra as she and Asami leave believing that her parents are unaccepting of her relationship. It becomes apparent that the fight with Kuvira has reshaped Republic City as several refugees are homeless with several of the Triads that previously existed fighting for territory. In conjunction with these concerns Wonyong Keum, a property developer, is attempting to turn the land around the spirit world portal into a tourist attraction, despite Korra’s, the spirit’s and the Air Nomad’s protests.

The following evening the Triple Threat Triad, led by Tokuga, attacks the Air Nomads at the portal under Keum’s orders. In hearing about the attack Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin go to help the Air Nomads. During the fight Korra becomes distracted as Asami is nearly killed, which allows for the dragon-eel spirit, from the spirit portal, to attack and transform Tokuga into a spirit -human hybrid. As Tokuga retreats Korra kisses Asami which leads Mako and Bolin to find out about their relationship.

After the attack Korra realizes that the spirit world is not happy with the human world. As a means to reconcile the relationship between the two groups she travels, with some Air Nomads, to the spirit world. Upon arrival, they discover that the spirit are hostile toward humans, due to recent events with Kuvira and Tokuga.  To further make the situation worse President Raiko, of Republic City, has fortified the land around the spirit portal making it harder to regain their trust.  When asked to pull back the fortification by Korra and Tenzin Raiko instantly shifts the blame onto Korra for creating a third portal in the city which has caused several political and governmental problems for him. At the same time Raiko, who is concerned about his reelection for President, task Asami and Zhu Li to develop and oversee construction on new housing for the refugees, but he takes all the credit for their work.  Upon seeing this Tenzin encourages Zhu Li to run against Raiko in the upcoming presidential election.

At the same time that Raiko is dealing with Korra police chief Lin Beifong orders Mako and Bolin to stay away from Keum until they have evidence that he was behind the attack at the spirit portal. Rather than wait Mako and Bolin obtain a tip off of a kid running messages for The Triple Threat Triad where their Headquarters may be located. Upon further investigating this lead turns out to be a trap.  With no other option Mako and Bolin decided to investigate Keum himself where they learn from his staff he has been missing for several days since the Tokuga attack.  Also missing is Asami who agreed to go out with Korra for dinner as they have been neglecting each other due to internal and external conflicts in their lives. Eventually Korra, Mako, and Bolin learn that Asami has been kidnapped and might be killed by Tokuga, who has new powers due to fusing with the spirit, as he takes the leftover weapons from Kuvira’s attack.

Once back at The Triple Threat’s base Tokuga uses a captured Keum to force Asami to build him an air-mounted poison gas weapon which he will use in conjunction with Kuvira’s weapons to make himself the president of Republic City. Unknown to him Asami purposefully built the device so that the poison would be released inside the airship as she did not expect to be brought with him onto it.  In failing to stop the ship from taking off Korra realizes where it is going and quickly catches up to it. Once there she is informed that she has five minutes as President Raiko has ordered the air squad to shoot it down. Meanwhile, Asami and Keum have decided to work together to release the poison gas inside the ship, which helped to provide an opening for Korra to land onto the ship. Korra begins to fight Tokuga, while Asami over powers his men and begins to make preparations for landing the ship. Before she can land it Korra, with help from Keum, throws off Tokuga who successfully escapes into the spirit world.

Out of gratitude for Korra and Asami, Keum gives up his rights to the land around the portal, which appeases the spirits. Zhu Li wins the election in a landslide victory promising to work hard for Republic City. During this speech Korra and Asami sneak out to stare at the spirit portal and admit their love, which has been tested since they walked out of the spirit world, to each other again.


The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars captures the evolution of Korra and Asami as they enter a relationship with one another.  Prior to entering the spirit world the relationship between Korra and Asami was very much undetermined. While in the spirt world that has become clearer as Korra and Asami are pursuing a relationship and they want it to be public. This presents several challenges for them including being accepted by Korra’s parents, balancing their personal and professional lives, and addressing actions and threats made against the one that they love. As the reader, we get to witness how Korra and Asami address these challenges as individuals and as a couple. Through this process we are exposed to each of their shortfalls which shows why they failed to handle the situation correctly. As they progress further into their relationship we witness them overcoming their previous failures and they become closer as a couple. This shows how for 52 episodes and over 200 pages Korra and Asami have constantly evolved in their relationship. They have grown up from being teenagers who had a lack of importance to becoming adults who discovered the most important thing has been an arm length away.

Turf Wars expands the LBGTQ community retroactively and presently in the Avatar universe.  Upon Korra and Asami coming out Kya, Avatar Aang’s daughter, tells them that she has had a few girlfriends hinting at the idea that she is a lesbian. She further reveals that Avatar Kyoshi was bisexual and that queer behavior has not and is still unaccepted in several nations. Korra, the Avatar, who is meant to represent all four nations, is now in a public relationship with another woman and that will have an impact on nations that have been unaccepting of this lifestyle. While Korra’s choice won’t completely change those nations overnight it will start to facilitate a change within all four nations as to what is acceptable. This is hinting at Avatar Korra possibly being remembered for instituting social change within the world.

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