Real : An inspirational Manga



Takehiko Inoue is known for his manga Slam Dunk and Vagabond, which have both sold exceptionally well. Inoue has amazing skills as a manga artist and has created another masterpiece in Real. Real differs from his previous works, as it is more reality based. Three young men have one common goal of playing basketball but have to overcome obstacles in order to play the game. Real, which can be purchased here, has many layers in the plot. It is a conventional inspirational story and challenges the stereotype of people with disabilities. It is a series that should be read as it is exceptionally well told on both a story and an art level.

Real’s biggest element is that it is real. The three main characters are people in today’s society and are easy to relate to on both a physical and personal level. All three of the characters have struggles in their lives. Togawa Kiyoharu physically struggles as he is an amputee and as a result is wheelchair dependent. Takahashi Hisanobu struggles just like Togawa. He was a star basketball player who became a paraplegic due to an accident and is readjusting to his new life. Finally, there is Nomiya Tomomi, who can walk, but is a high school dropout. All three of these characters share a common goal, which is that they love basketball. Many of their struggles are related to the idea that they love the game but have nowhere to play it due to their own personal issues whether it be being wheelchair dependent or not being good enough. Inoue captures the issue of the disability and physical the three young men face in order to play basketball.

Togawa, Takahashi, and Nomiya all have different personalities that represent society and make them relatable characters, as everybody knows people like them. Togawa’s personality causes additional struggles for him as he is constantly feuding with his teammates due to his completive nature. Since basketball is a team sport this puts Togawa at odds with his team and makes him a weaker player. Takahashi’s personality prohibits him from returning to basketball, as he does not accept that he is a paraplegic and isolates himself from other people. Furthermore, even when he goes to rehab he looks down upon the other residents. Nomiya’s personality is that he cannot keep a job and is never good enough to do anything and is constantly shifting from one job to another. These three character’s personalities represent a variety of society in many ways. Just as society changes these three characters slowly began to adapt and change their personalities. This changes how they interact with their team, acceptance of themselves, and how they approach jobs and their common goal of playing basketball.

Real is a sport manga that goes beyond the athletic element. The three characters have struggles and personalities that are relatable. Using this technique Inoue creates a connection with his readers that allows an inside view of what a person with a disability struggles with. Since the three main characters are everyday people it is told in a stylistic way that leaves you craving for more after each chapter as these three young men try to find their way in life while playing basketball.

You can purchase Real right here.

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