Superpowers we want for Black Friday shopping

Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, is just a few days away. On Friday countless people will be waiting for stores to open up to get great deals.  The mad rush requires nerves of steal and great endurance. On Friday morning it would be great to wake up as a superhero, utilizing their power so that you can get the best deals out there.

The first superhero that comes to mind for Black Friday shopping is the Flash. The Flash is as his name describes, the fastest man in the world. He can travel faster then the speed of light. So to be the Flash would allow you to wake up on Friday morning and go to those big box stores arriving within seconds. The powers of the Flash are not just limited to speedy arrival as you can go up and down the aisle of the store faster then a blink of an eye. You can quickly get to your copy of Call of Duty: advance warfare faster, which can be purchased here, then the other people in the store. Finally, the powers of the Flash can come in handy as the run to check out line begins, as the fastest man alive he is always the first one to win the race.

The second superhero that is perfect to be for shopping on Black Friday is Shadow Cat. Shadow Cat has the ability to phase through objects. This comes in handy when waiting in line as you can pass through people. Furthermore, there is no need to wait for the doors to open at the store. With Shadow Cat’s ability one can pass through those doors. Her real special skills come into play within the store. Instead of going up and down the aisle one can go through the aisle to find the items they need. Since one is going faster through the aisles in the store they can quickly find Call of Duty: advance warfare, which can be purchased here.


The third superhero power that would be great to have on Black Friday would be the ability to stop time. This power was featured in the show “Heroes” and was used by Hiro Nakamura. Hiro used the power to turn back time, but wouldn’t it be helpful if you could just stop time in the store and take your time just walking up and down the aisles getting the best deals and items. Or you could just walk at a brisk pace to the video game section and pick up your copy of Call of Duty: advance warfare, which you can purchase here.

Unfortunately, we are not superheroes and do not have the ability to run at super speed, or phase through objects or stop time. But we have something that these superheroes do not have, some even call it a super power, and that is the Internet. This super power on Black Friday is extremely potent and can be used for evil purpose, so it is limited to that Friday. Since it is so powerful and if the power is contained on the Internet and not released it becomes an even more dangerous weapon that can hurt us all. So therefore the world has decided to release deals on the Monday after Black Friday. This has become a holiday known as Cyber Monday, where you can buy Call of Duty: advance warfare, here. So the choice is yours world, you can go and wait in lines on Friday or you can harness the power and be a temporary superhero using the power of the Internet.

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