The Good, The Bad, The Verdict : TWD Issue 178

Everything is revealed when Princess makes a stand. Since Michonne’s group has arrived in the Commonwealth they have been treated with civility, but with an overarching presence that something is fishy within the community. Sebastian made a move on Yumiko, which started a fight between him and Princess to only be broken up by Mercer. Michonne steps up to correct Sebastian’s borderline sexual assault move and she is stopped by her daughter Elodie who makes it clear that the people in this community know their place in conjunction with their leaders.

The Good:

We have seen many forms of governments in The Walking Dead and the curtain of the Commonwealth’s government has been lifted. Sebastian by making a move on Yumiko has demonstrated the corruption that the leadership branch has been engaging in so he can get away with anything he wants. Furthermore, after he has been knocked down, and nearly killed by Princess, he asks Mercer to arrest them and threatens to banish people from the community. He is ruling through fear and oppression rather than what the Commonwealth advertised itself to be. When Michonne chooses to step up to correct this incident and protect her group she is stopped by Elodie. As Elodie understands that there is a hierarchy in the Commonwealth, where some have more power and rights than others, Sebastian tends to be one of these people. If Michonne were to address him she would be putting herself, Elodie, and her group at risk of facing the entire Commonwealth’s forces. This shows the true nature of the Commonwealth and how their government is set up and why citizens and Mercer are unhappy with how they are living.  The comic also addresses the fling that has been brewing between Maggie and Dante for several issues as they are caught “enjoying” one another. This causes Sophia to become upset as she is confused why Maggie is in love with Dante and how she feels about Glenn. To answer her, Maggie explains that she will always love Glenn, but Dante is making her happy right now and she has the right to be happy.

The Bad:

The comic tends to make several implications about the true nature of the Commonwealth’s government. This is done through Stephanie who has been reassigned her position as a form of a punishment for initiating communication with Eugene. While speaking to Eugene she implies that the Governor is not addressing Michonne or any other member of the group as she wants to have a face to face with Rick. Yet the Governor makes no implication or statements to prove this to be true or what she is planning to do. This requires the reader to make an implication of what she is planning on doing and the reasons behind it.

The Verdict:

The threads are starting to come undone on what the Commonwealth is and how they operate as a community. Do to this we begin to understand who they are as people and why the leadership is feared and hated by its citizens. At the same time, we are subjected to a new Maggie as she begins to search for a new form of happiness with Dante, which affects her relationship with her adopted daughter, Sophia. With all of this going on the comic is starting to bloom. Several seeds that have been planted as a new era of The Walking Dead is about to begin.

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