The Good, The Bad, The Verdict: TWD issue 179

Everybody has an agenda. Since they arrived in the Commonwealth, Michonne’s group has discovered all the services, goods, and protection that is offered to its citizens. At the same time, her group also discovered several hidden agendas on how the Commonwealth operates, including its class system and militaristic attitude towards its citizens as a way to keep them in check. With this in mind, Michonne and Eugene have formulated a plan on how to address the Commonwealth in case they choose to be hostile to fulfill their own agenda.

The Good:

We are seeing what Governor Pamela Milton has in store for the four communities as she asks Mercer what his opinion is about Michonne’s group. He replies by stating that they should keep Eugene, as he is the type of guy who could build a new car if given enough time. While this is occurring, Lance has convinced Michonne to stay within the Commonwealth due to her past profession as a lawyer and because her daughter lives there. This makes it clear that the Governor’s plan is to take people away from the four communities who will benefit her and leave or kill the rest. While her plan is in action, Eugene has decided to make some alterations. t He and Magna have lost the Commonwealth’s soldiers, on their way back home, to go warn Rick the Governor might be hostile about intentions to protect the four communities. This shows how insightful Eugene is as he can determine someone’s motive, he can think on his feet and take actions to address them, which confirms his loyalty and value to the 4 communities. This issue sets up the conclusion to the New World Order arc in TWD as Rick and Pamela meet for the first time.

The Bad:

The issue only confirms what has been looming in the background of the Commonwealth since Michonne’s group got there. Furthermore, the issue sets up the conclusion of the New World Order arc in TWD as Eugene, on the last page of the issue, enacts his plan to warn Rick. This ultimately will change how the four communities respond to the Commonwealth.

The Verdict:

The Walking Dead is about to get exciting again as the Commonwealth and the four communities’ leaders are about to meet for the first time. Yet this meeting is not picture perfect as the Commonwealth has a hidden agenda for their visit, but Eugene discovered it and is on his way to inform Rick. This issue sets up this essential circumstance as it ushers in the conclusion of NWO TWD, which has expanded the Walking Dead world.

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