The Good, The Bad, The Verdict: TWD Issue 186

The powder keg has just exploded as Dwight has made his final move in TWD issue 186. Since Dwight has arrived at the Commonwealth he realizes that the people are being suppressed by their government. He has taken several actions to test and start planning on how to free this group. His actions have led to confrontation with Rick, who he has convinced on some issues, as they have witnessed the unfairness and suppression the Commonwealth is engaging in under the leadership of Pamela. At the same time, the citizens of the Commonwealth, alongside several soldiers, are dissatisfied with the division in class, privileges, and the operations of their government and they want change.  In hopes to preserve peace Michonne makes a choice to invite Rick, Dwight, and Pamela to a meeting, which only lights the fuse to the powder keg exploding.

The Good:

Since Dwight’s outburst and imprisonment Rick has begun to think about the problems that are in the Commonwealth and how they can be solved.  This leads to a conversation with Michonne where Rick makes it clear that if they want to take action the people will back them. In response to this she replies that the Commonwealth needs Rick’s mind to show them a fairer and more effective government, not violence. Rick’s mind is slowly being changed in part to Dwight, but more so due to the actions that Pamela is taking. This includes her staging of killing a walker to give the appearance of protecting her people. After killing one she orders Mercer to kill the rest of them in a private non-show atmosphere. Mercer, in private, explains to Rick and Dwight how this is a common practice that occurs and that it is a show and is not real and that the Commonwealth needs real change. In hearing this Rick is beginning to see Dwight’s viewpoint, but is still torn on how to change the Commonwealth.  In attempting to figure this out Rick, Dwight, and Michonne meet to discuss how to improve the Commonwealth. In this conversation Dwight is adamant about taking power away from Pamela by force even if it means starting a war to do so. In making his argument Dwight reminds Rick that people like Negan and Pamela are the same as they don’t surrender power without a fight. On the other hand, Michonne counters by saying that the Commonwealth needs improvements, but she wants to work with Pamela to improve it. Rick acknowledges that they all agree on wanting improvement for the Commonwealth they disagree on the best policy to get there. This highlights the complexities of being exposed to a new government and working with it as a means for improvement. With this on the table, due to Michonne’s invitation, Pamela has been listening in on the conversation and comes in with two soldiers to arrest Dwight and force him to leave. This is primarily due to him openly wanting to overthrow her and take away her power. Rather than peacefully going Dwight pulls a gun on Pamela with the intentions of shooting her, making it clear that Rick and himself along with the citizens of the Commonwealth can reform this government by him pulling the trigger. Before he can do this Rick shoots and kills Dwight, thus effectively choosing a side in a war that is about to break out. As all of this is occurring Elodie is out with her friends who express concerns about her mom’s actions in defending the soldiers and what side she is on in the Commonwealth. While all of this is occurring and with only a fraction of information and past experiences the Alexandria Safezone has put out a high alert for their militia to be ready in case a war breaks out. With all the actions that have occurred the fuse to the powder keg has just been lit and the explosion is set to follow shortly.

The Bad:

The comic had two side elements that slightly took away the feeling the plot, which was a powder keg was going to explode. The first side element was with Eugene as he woke up with Stephanie, which gives the impression that everything is normal and peaceful as they are engaging in what appears to be a normal life.  The second side element is Sophia meeting Josh for the first time, which alludes to a peaceful time in The Walking Dead when it is everything but that. Both of these side elements take away from the powder keg, explosion, and that all hell is about to break loose feeling that the issue delivers.

The Verdict:

Clearly, The Walking Dead, in issue 186, has upped their game by killing off Dwight in an unpredictable manner. In doing so they have created several different layers of complexities for Rick and Michonne, Rick and Pamela, and Rick and his community back home as they all inch closer to the third installment of a war occurring between communities with different ideologies on how to govern their people.  Issue 186 of The Walking Dead has set a new course for the comic as Dwight is dead, but the consequences of his death will affect both the Commonwealth and the four communities and how they live their lives.

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