The Graphic Novel Review : Justice League No Justice


On the heels of Dark Nights: Metal, writer Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, and Joshua Williamson team up with artists Francis Manapul, Marcus To, Riley Rossmo, and Jorge Jimenez to deliver the consequences of the Justice League’s actions in Justice League: No Justice.


Prior to Justice League: No Justice, in Dark Nights: Metal the Justice League squares off against seven different Batmans (aka the Dark Knights) from the Dark Multiverse and a new enemy named Barbatos. Due to the Dark Knights, Earth is pulled into the Dark Multiverse. The Justice League and Hawkgirl defeat the Dark Knights and stop Barbatos from destroying all of creation. Upon Barbatos defeat, Over-Monitor is freed and helps the Justice League pull Earth out of the Dark Multiverse. This causes the Source Wall, a wall on the edge of the known Multiverse, to be shattered. As a result, the Multiverse just became bigger as new worlds and threats are emerging.


Prior to the formation of the universe there were four brother cosmic gods (aka Omega Titans) that possessed the energy traits of Entropy, Wisdom, Wonder, and Mystery. The brothers planted seeds of cosmic energy in world after world for them to consume at a later date. As thousands of years passed the brothers became dormant and non-active in the universe. When the Justice League broke the Source Wall it set the brothers into action to consume all forms of sentient life in the universe until nothing is left. The Omega Titans first target is to consume Brainiac’s home planet Colu. Brainiac recognizing the treat of the Omega Titans, abducts the Justice League, The Teen Titans, The Suicide Squad, and several villains from Earth. In order to gain their cooperation, he planted a cosmic seed on Earth that will activate if they fail. Brainiac then proceeds to place them on teams based on the traits of Entropy, Wisdom, Wonder and Mystery to counter the Omega Titans. In order to do so they must activate the trees of Entropy, Wonder, Mystery, while deactivating the tree of Wisdom to defeat the Omega Titans from consuming his plant and eventually Earth. Before enacting this plan, Brainiac is hacked which causes him to explode leaving the Justice League and their compatriots without a plan on how to carry out this mission. This puts the four teams in a position where they are forced to make hard choices that have real consequences that effect the universe.


Justice League: No Justice is heavily rooted in the concept that actions have consequences. The entire plot for the graphic novel stems out of Dark Nights: Metal. During the course of saving the Earth, the Justice League caused a crack in the Source Wall. In turn, this has awakened the Omega Titans causing many subsequent choices to be made as a means to stop them. This starts with Brainiac’s choice to abduct several different groups of heroes and villains forcing them to team up to stop a greater threat. It is safe to say that the interactions between all members of these teams has changed. The dynamic between the characters shows they have become closer and have a greater understanding of the true threats that exist in the universe. This is compounded by the fact that several dangerous prisoners have been released into the galaxy along with thousands of new planets. This opens up the possibilities for new threats and allies not only for the Justice League but for other superhero based teams.

This without a doubt expands the universe as several new species will be reintroduced into the galaxy, but at the same time nobody knows how they will interact with one another; will they be friendly or a threat to Earth? With this in play, it clearly expands the DC Universe as there are more options on how these new worlds will affect the Justice League and more importantly the Green Lantern Corps who are the governing body over space. The third reaction that spins out of the Omega Titans is the idea that humanity is beginning to understand how the Multiverse works. This raises concerns that humanity is not ready to have a true understanding of this power as they are easily willing to use it to break the Multiverse to save themselves and deal with the consequences of that choice later. Finally, the graphic novel does expand the DC Universe. It introduces several new entities into play including the Omega Titans and the fact that the universe and Multiverse are expanding. In reaction to this, so must the Justice League expand, not only in members, but in personal growth. As heroes, they must be able to make better decisions to prevent situations like the Omega Titans incident from reoccurring. With that in mind, this is an interesting entry into a new Justice League comic that can build upon the goal set forth at the end of Justice League: No Justice.

A copy of Justice League : No Justice can be purchased here.

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