The Perfect Insider welcome to the Chills


It is very rare that an anime generates a scary vibe. The Perfect Insider ,debuting on October 8, 2015, is a creepy anime that sends chills down your spine. The story keeps the viewer intrigued with unforeseeable plot twists, along with the animation style of blending 2D with 3D. This creates a slow burning mystery story, similar to Shiki which can be purchased here, that rivals an Agatha Christie novel.

The plot of The Perfect Insider focuses Saikawa, a scientist, and Nishinosono, who has a crush on Saikawa. They are going on a vacation paid for by the company that Saikawa works for. To further complicate matters the island that they are going to is home to a Dr. Magata, who supposedly killed her parents but was found not guilty. Dr. Magata, as a result of this ordeal, has moved to an island to conduct her research, but has only been seen through video chat. When Saikawa and Nishinosono arrive on the island they discover a dead corpse. The dead corpse leads to serial killings. This forces Saikawa and Nishinosone to attempt to figure out who is responsible and the connection they have with Dr. Magata.

The Perfect Insider utilizes many techniques to create a well thought out anime. The first technique used in the anime is a slower pace that allows for a natural buildup of suspense. Furthermore, the show’s music compliments the dialog that the characters are having and accentuates their conversation. Finally, most animes cannot pull off the technique of 3D blending into 2D animation. This show not only pulls it off but does it well. In capturing this blend of animation it creates authenticity to the anime and brings the viewer into the show. The style of The Perfect Insider is a unique animation style that shows the animators and director are exploring new techniques to tell a story.

The Perfect Insider is an anime that is a well thought out utilizing dialog, visuals, and the blending of 2D and 3D animation to create a unique show that gives a whole new meaning to creepy.

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