Tokyo Ghost issue 3 The Good, The Bad, The Verdict



Tokyo Ghost Issue 3, which can be purchased here, shifts focus from the virtual world back to reality. Tokyo Ghost takes place in a unique dystopia that utilizes information, technology, and the virtual world. In particular, issue 3 focuses on Led Dent and Debbie going to Tokyo and making choices that will affect their future together.

The Good:

Tokyo Ghost, issue 3, captures the choices and the consequences that Led Dent and Debbie face while in Tokyo. The biggest choice they have to make is dealing with the warlord/protectorate of Tokyo, Kazumi. In doing so, they ultimately choose to abandon there mission to live in peace in her technology free society, which allows them both to enjoy a peaceful life. Furthermore, Led Dent and Debbi are both healed in physical and spiritual ways that allow them to grasp what they had wanted since their childhood. This peacefulness is contrasted toward the end of the issue as a Samurai in Tokyo is targeting Led Dent and he views him as weak due to the peace he has achieved. This shows despite Tokyo’s appearance as a peaceful utopia it is another dystopia. There are rules and regulation imposed upon the people there, as the people are weaker with out technology.

The Bad:

The problem with this issue was that it is a giant promotion for the next issue. It establishes the peace that both Led Dent and Debbie have achieved. The issue hints at the method and reason why it is going to be taken away, which will be attempted in issue 4. As a result of this approach the comic provides little new information but pushes the story along as it sets up for a more exciting next issue.

The Verdict:

Tokyo Ghost, issue 3, is aimed towards a fan of the series rather than a new reader. This is due to the fact that the comic is promoting and leading into a more exciting issue rather than providing new information to the story. Furthermore, the comic leaves the reader on a cliffhanger after a massive build up, creating a tease rather than delivering a product. The information provided in the comic can easily be assumed if this issue was skipped. As a result this issue does provide some new information but is really aimed at the fans of the series, rather than the general public. If you are a fan of the series, you can purchase the comic here.


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