TWD issue 143 The Good, The Bad, The Verdict


The Walking Dead has developed a huge following as issue 143 hits the shelves this week. Issue 143 of The Walking Dead captures many different elements. Some of these elements were good and others left me questioning if the series will proceed on a fresh and interesting path. So, without further delay let’s break down the good, the bad and reach a final verdict on The Walking Dead issue 143, which can be purchased here.

The Good:

The Walking Dead has many different characters, yet it always seems to focus on Rick. In this issue there was a balance between Rick, Carl, and Alpha. The stakes were raised with Alpha playing more of a role and she immediately foils Rick as a leader. She is a much stricter and protective leader due to her lifestyle. Her ability to threaten and force Rick to comply quickly reminds us, as readers, that this world still has challenges. Finally, the issue showcases two traits of Carl. The first trait is the acceptance of Carl, nobody really likes him with the exception of Lydia from the Whisperers. The other characteristic Carl shows is the courage to stand up to his Dad about staying with Lydia. In both these circumstances Carl is not only acting tough but he is showing traits of being a leader. This is a turning point for Carl as he is creating his own path rather than one that his father set out for him.

The Bad:

The ending to the issue, when Alpha shows Rick her “ace in the hole”, is a disappointment. Alpha’s ace is a large herd and she is willing to release them to destroy what Rich has built. There is no doubt this is a threat yet it seems that the 4 communities would be able to deal with it based on the experiences and skills they have developed in the last 3 years. This was disappointing, as it seems like a threat that the communities could easily address.

The Verdict:

Overall, the issue was average. The peace and dangers of the world were both shown throughout the issue. This technique was a nice as it leads to the built up of the final pages of the issue. Those final pages were a let down as Alpha, Leader of the Whisperers, revealed that her threat to Rick is something they already dealt with. The ending of the issue does not match with the buildup and seems stale and unoriginal. Despite the ending, the comic does send the message that the world Rick built is very fragile and can easily be rocked even though they have grown stronger in the last 3 years. Issue 143 is an average issue of The Walking Dead and is expected to be more exciting as the story continues. You can catch up on the Walking Dead here.

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