Wars that are different Argevollen and Gate



One of the most popular genres of anime is Military and War. For the summer season a new show came out called Gate. During the first episode the show captures similar elements from another show, Argevollen. For those who did not see or are viewing Argevollen, which can be purchased here, is a show about two countries engaged in a war. Gate and Argevollen are different animes, yet they share similar themes and explore new topics.

The two animes share similar themes throughout their episodes. One of these similarities is both of the main characters are in special units. For Tokimune, the main character from Argevollen, he is in a special unit that is gathering data on a new prototype mecha unit. In Gate the main character Itami is in an exploration unit tasked with establishing peace in another group while exploring land. Another element examined is the shadiness that war entails. In Argevollen a corporation is pitting the two warring countries against each other to produce a top mecha machine. In Gate the element of shadiness takes place as an empire is deceiving their fellow nations, preventing them from gaining power. The final similarity between the two is that the main characters are fairly new in their positions. Tokimune, throughout Argevollen, is learning how to utilize his skills. Itami has just been promoted to 1st Lieutenant and is immediately put in charge of exploration of new land. Both Tokimune and Itami are in a situation where they are experiencing a learning curve. Both animes are extremely similar in character development and capturing the elements of war.

The animes differ from one another despite being about Military and War. Argevollen has a focus on mecha units and robots fighting one another. To further complicate Argevollen, the war between the two countries is caused by a corporation that will prosper from winning. Argevollen has a component to each episode as the unit’s survival depends on strategy. Gate utilizes normal military equipment such as heavy artillery and armored jeeps and tends to focus more on exploration of new land. The objective in Gate is for the military to foster peace between the people of Japan and the empire that they are in. Due to the exploration factor of a new land filled with demons, dragons, and magical creatures, fighting occurs as well as evacuations, but never for the purpose of war. The two animes share a similar genre, but are on polar opposites in that genre.

Argevollen and Gate are perfect examples of how varied a genre can be as they share similar and different elements on many points. This allows the two animes to take separate paths and showcase two different sides of the military.

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