Welcome back to Tokyo City with the second arc of Tokyo Ghost, issue 6. The first arc of the series focused on the characters Led Dent and Debbie Decay who were tasked with eliminating the warlord of Japan. Rather than eliminating the warlord they both chose to live peacefully in Japan, until Led was attacked in his technological weakened state. As a result Led injected nano bots back into his body and immediately began to enact his mission of killing off all the people, which allowed Tokyo to become a new haven for the rich of L.A. The second arc of Tokyo Ghost picks up 6 months later after Led finished the job and has returned to L.A. to continue as a constable. This issue acts as a point of entry for new readers, while continuing to tell the story of both Led Dent and Debbie Decay in a technology dystopia.
The Good:
The comic appeals to both new and returning readers as it continues the story of Led Dent and Debbie Decay. For new readers the comic quickly establishes who Led Dent is, a tough crime fighting constable, as he neutralizes the terrorist threat in L.A. In doing so this quickly introduces new readers to the character who has been previously developed over 5 issues (the first arc). Now for the returning readers who are familiar with the character Led Dent, the comic references his past with Debbie providing a hint of foreshadowing that is going to occur. As a result the comic does an excellent job of bringing in new readers while provide a deeper look at the characters for returning readers. Furthermore, the comic sets up a unique plot as Led is tasked with guarding a shipment of drugs, which will be used to help Mr. Flak escape to Tokyo. In guarding these drugs Led comes faces to face with the Ghost of Tokyo who disables his technology. This sets up a unique situation as both Led and the Ghost of Tokyo foil each other as they come from two different worlds; one of technology, the other being able to disable technology. Characters from opposite worlds the two clash to determine which one is more superior, thus leaving the reader questioning how vulnerable we are due to our own technology. The comic goes beyond appealing to new and old readers as it sets out to capture a though provoking point about our own dependence on technology.
The Bad:
Now the comic, due to it being an entry point issue, generates a divide in its initial pages. This is primarily due to having to reintroduce the main character, Led Dent. For returning readers this is a nice refresher but provides no insight as in the first arc of Tokyo Ghost Led Dent was exposed to major character development. Unfortunately, the only way the comic could address this issue was to spend time introducing new readers to Led. The issue also faces the problem of being too wordy, as it utilizes caption boxes to establish background rather than a combination of words and art. This decision takes the focus off the showing element comics have and turns the focus on the telling aspect, which is a shame as Tokyo Ghost has amazing artwork.
The Verdict:
Now the 6th issue of Tokyo Ghost is not perfect but it accomplishes it goal. It appeals to both new and returning readers while pushing forward a unique thought provoking plot. In this circumstance the comic succeeds as Led Dent is introduced again and the comic presents the idea of whether technology makes us stronger or weaker as people. By introducing these elements the comic generates a unique hook that captures a reader’s attention and makes them want to read the next issue. Tokyo Ghost, issue 6, is a great issue that starts off the second arc of this comic series in a unique way that appeals to both new and returning readers without damaging the integrity of the comic series.