While we wait for Orange is the New Black S 4



In recent years women in prison have been an increasing theme in popculture. This is in part attributed towards the series that for the last three years has been widely popular on Netflix: Orange is the New Black, which can be purchased here. Netflix, as with many of their series, released all the episodes at once, which allows for binge watching, allowing the fans to enjoy the season all at once. Yet Netflix’s kindness, if you’re not in prison, presents a new problem when you are done with the season. Here are some other media forms that can hold you over while you wait for season 4, in 2016.

Brokedown Palace

Brokedown Palace, which can be bought here, shares many similar themes with Orange is the New Black. This movie was released in 1999 and focuses on two girls getting conned into becoming drug mules. As a result they are caught and are sentenced to a Thailand prison. These two girls, much like Orange is the New Black, have to adjust to the new life style they are given. The film is similar to Orange is the New Black as moral and ethic issues are raised. In particular, the issue of drug smuggling and who is morally and ethically responsible for the crime that is committed. The film differs from the Netflix original show by exploring different country’s prison systems and their legal systems. Despite the differences presented many of the same issues are explored in the film as they are explored in the show.

Bitch Planet


Bitch Planet is a comic book that is released monthly and shares ideas with Orange is the New Black. The comic focuses on a prison that is on another planet, where non-compliant women are sent there to serve their prison time. Upon reading the comic many similarities exist between the two media forms. Both entities share different factions that are almost perfectly parallel between the show and the comic. The corruption is at an all time high level in both prisons and runs proportional with each work. To further draw the similarities the very first issue introduces a character who is a white collar, wealthy, white women who is sent to prison just like Piper Chapman and it follows her story and her adjustments to the prison system. The comic book varies from the show as it emphasizes the violence and there are cameras everywhere as it is being filmed. Bitch Planet shares many similarities with Orange is the New Black but goes to uncharted territory of how to survive in a prison. Despite the variation the core values remain the same in each of the works. Bitch Planet can be obtained here.

Deadman Wonderland


The anime Deadman Wonderland, which can be purchased here, captures a similar element of corruption that is present in Orange is the New Black. Deadman Wonderland ‘s main character Ganta is sentenced in a mock trial to life in imprisonment for a crime he did not commit. Ganta is similar to Piper as she was subjected to corruption for transporting drugs and money for a drug kingpin. These two characters once in prison are subjected to a new world that is a world of corruption. For Ganta the corruption he faces is primarily from an individual who has influence over the prison and is constantly pulling strings to challenge Ganta for entertainment purposes. Conversely, Piper is facing corruption due to the circumstance of being in prison and that corruption is necessary for survival. The shows have very different purposes yet their corruption stems from the same ideology, which is the environment causes the corruption. The two shows have a common value that corruption in prison life is an environmental factor but is heavily influenced and evolved by the people in the situation.

Orange is the New Black, Brokedown Palace, Bitch Planet and Deadman Wonderland all have similarities and a different focus on the prison system. Each of these works have similarities of corruption, moral and ethical issues and share many common core values. Yet with these similarities they have major differences that vary from extreme levels of violence to the internal or external element of corruption. Since they have these differences yet maintain core values that are relatable to Orange is the New Black these three titles are perfect for subduing your appetite until 2016 when season 4 returns.

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